
Looking ahead to May & June

Looking ahead to May & June May is now approaching and with it comes the celebration of Pentecost Sunday on the 23rd May. Do consider coming along and joining us on YouTube. We have booked the local hall and providing all government guidelines are met we will have our first live Sunday service in Gt […]

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A taste of April

A taste of April at Freedom Church There’s so much to tell you this month – God has been working mightily! Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and

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Coming up in April

Coming up in April Technically we’re still in March for this first one 😉 Palm Sunday 28th March – James Hodges will be speaking on the triumphal entry of Jesus entering Jerusalem. 29.03.2021 – 03.04.2021 During the week (Monday – Saturday) we will be holding via Zoom, a Communion each morning at 7:20am, this will

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March Update

March Update For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 Church We have had an amazing month, this is a picture of some of the Mother’s Day cards we sent around the world, over 70

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Coming up in March

Coming up in March Celebrating Mother’s Day – 14th March A celebration for all our mothers 11am on YouTube      Holy Week  Starting on Sunday 28th March Palm Sunday at 10:15am  Then each evening (Sunday – Friday) there is a short reflection from J John on the 7 last words of Jesus staring each

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February Update

February Update Zoom Kids  Pat & Becs have amazing fun with the children each Sunday morning from 9am -10am. Each Sunday they try and bring the Word of God with fun and games. One Sunday they had an egg dropping challenge, the children were allowed to wrap three items around an egg and then drop

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Alpha If you have questions that you’re always wanted to answers to then alpha is the right place to ask them! Click here if you would like more information on Alpha. Contact us today if you’d like to join our next alpha course.

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Zoom Kids

Zoom Kids Click here if you would like to find out more about Zoom Kids. If you would for your children to join Zoom Kids then contact us today!

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