Sundays in January
If you missed any of the talks during January you can find them here, or on our YouTube Channel!

This young man helped with Communion, giving the reading.
Josh Austin from New Jersey USA brings a message titled "Tracing Out Light". Josh is married to Kelsey, and they have five children. In this fast-moving talk Josh crams in lots of biblical examples where God references light. Josh encourages us in "Tracing Out Light" of Jesus in our lives. Each day being a new beginning.
Paul explains how God never does the expected and that 2022 is going to be a year of the unexpected, and calls each one of us to have faith, faith that Jesus Christ will always have the very best for His children. Paul talks through the conversion of Saul and that sometimes in life it seems we must have blind faith to take us to the next step in our Christian walk. Saul was taken into Damascus blind. As we step into 2022, we are blind as to what God is going to do, but trust in Him.