Great HorkesleyYouth Group

Word search on the theme of the evening compiled by Alison

Becs one of our team, encouraging a group in writing down some of their aims for 2022

Craft activity on the theme of the evening with Heather the local vicar helping out
Welcoming the Vicar!
We had the opportunity to attend the licensing service for the new village vicar who has seven churches to oversee. We were invited to welcome her and to say who we are in the parish. I felt the Lord say, “tell everyone about the Youth Club”. Whilst speaking I was struck by the age of people at the inauguration and how vital it is to keep the interest of the children at the youth club and invest in them wholeheartedly.

The tasting of Haggis on the Scottish theme night at Great Horkesley Youth Club, some loved it others really didn’t!
Let us know in the comments section if you're a haggis fan!