A taste of July
It’s been such a joy to be able to meet up as a group of believers, some great pictures of how relaxed church is in the marquee at this time. The Lord has brought new folk along on Sundays whom started with us online which is so exciting!

Here’s a review of the amazing talks the Lord has blessed us with:
Jill shared what has been on her heart over the last few months, that we would not move on from here without God, a new season a new path, one fantastic quote from her talk, “What makes your people special is Your presence Lord.”
Jill was centre director of Ellel Pierrepont for 20 years. She took a bankrupt school and turned it into a place of ministry where many thousands of people have been taught evangelism, healing, deliverance, and inspired more into their calling from Christ Jesus.
James talk was so insightful. Talking from Judges on the life of Gideon & giving us a great outline from the Old Testament, he taught how we can be fruitful for Father God. James clearly sets out the pattern for each of our lives from the life of Gideon, accepting Jesus Christ as out Lord and Saviour, giving Him the driving seat of our lives, filled with the Holy Spirit, dealing with all the generational influence that we come with, then allowing God to work through us in mighty ways that we are unable to do in our own strength.
Brian is a retired Baptist minister from Oregon USA. He expounds Psalm 16 for us with wonderful encouragement, honesty and truth about his own life, encouraging us to practice the presence of God (verse 11) as there we will experience the fullness of joy. Asking us the challenging questions “If God seems so far away, who has moved?” & “Do you seek God’s face or do you seek His hand (blessing).” If we seek His face, there we will find the fullness of joy.

Paul Steele gave a great Christian truth from his own life, in ‘Tent or Temple?’ Paul is speaking directly into many people’s lives. This talk is taken from his own experiences the tent in the Old Testament was temporary and movable but the temple that Solomon built was permanent, are we looking for temporary solutions to our lives or permanent residence of the Holy Spirit? Paul gives a message for someone at the end of his talk about a lady in green if this relates to you, please email us on info@freedom-church.co.uk.
A litte bit from our personal lives!
Below is a picture of Breanna our latest arrival in the family. A beautiful girl born on 29th June. We now have five grandsons and two granddaughters. Such a delight!
During the month Karen took a day out and as Hannah Joy lives just around the corner from Wimbledon, they popped in to watch some of the tennis for the day.

We were able to celebrate both big birthdays this month and we were treated to lunch on the veranda at Le Talbooth, Dedham, a glorious sunny afternoon with just the two of us. We were able to mark this day down with a long talk as we reflected on where the Lord has brought us and where we might possibly go in the next 10 years.

We have a very exciting month coming up at Freedom Church. It culminates with our very first solo Summer Camp! Many of us are camping in a local campsite with the express desire to build new relationships and re kindle a team spirit that the past 18 months have tried to erode.
Thank you so much for your continued support and love.
Please remember that we have a prayer evening each Tuesday evening via Zoom you are welcome to join us at any time, or if you have a prayer request, please do let us know, we would love to pray for you!
May the Lord bless you and keep you!
Paul & Karen